The corridor update

This post is long overdue . I want to say life happens, but I guess that’s not news? I have wanted to share the updates to my home as they happen but June has been a rather busy month on my end. I celebrated my anniversary…my 3rd anniversary which was amazing and we should definitely…

I took a break

Every once in a while i go on a break. sometimes a voluntary ne and most times an involuntary one because other things take precedence or my body just gives up on me. This month ended up being like that. I had a little trip to the city, and the exhaustion that has followed and…

The one before the home updates

(this post was written in 2021… You will notice that a lot has changed since) Inala, exala… That’s what I have been telling myself this whole time since we made a move to continue putting our house together. Ok lets take a few steps back. The year was 2020 and it was the literal turn…

The one with the transition update 2

Last week we got down with the laundry and bits of settling in. I even got some work done. It was a pretty fruitful week and I even got some work done which was amazing. Today’s update is pretty short and sweet actually. The last update mentioned a few changes that we were incorporating to…


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Justher KE is the journal of my journey into adulthood and everything in between

Hi, I’m Nyake. I am a graduate Architect, content creator and a hair and skin care nerd. I spend time reading ingredients and sharing my designs …. and sometimes cuddling and talking to my bestie.

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